Mission Statement:
To promote the safety and accessibility of bicycle commuting in Red Deer, Alberta
and surrounding areas.
Watch the video starting at 14:40 HERE
Approved Annual General Meeting Minutes
Approved Minutes of RDABC Annual General Meeting October 19, 2023
Approved Minutes of RDABC Annual General Meeting September 29, 2022
Approved Minutes of RDABC Annual General Meeting October 21, 2021
Approved Minutes of RDABC Annual General Meeting November 3, 2020
via Zoom
Called to order 7:08 p.m. Bill Franz, chair
In attendance: Bill Franz, Pearl Franz, Liz Hagell, Neil Kirkwood, Tatiana Tilly, Greg Neiman, John Johnston, Mathieu Johnson, Andy Lamb, Ken Lewis, Frank Bauer, Grace Elgersma, Grant Watson, Linda Cassidy.
1. Adoption of Jan. 2020 AGM minutes: MOTION: Tatiana/Neil CARRIED 2. Financial Reports:
a) Year-end closing balance of $4,574.32, from an opening balance of $5,811.04, out of total expenses of $953.78 and income of $116.26.
b) Neil Kirkwood and Grace Elgersma have agreed to do audit for 2020. MOTION: To accept Neil and Grace as auditors: Grant/Mathieu. CARRIED
c) MOTION: To accept financial report. Bill/John. CARRIED.
3. Strategic Plan: Liz reported on the original plan to schedule a meeting to form a strategic plan, but Covid 19 intervened. A room had been booked but later cancelled. Effort to form a strategic plan remains on hold until a proper in-person meeting can be held.
4. Discussion on Open Streets/Cyclovia: Liz reported that after having held the event twice, the organization process had gotten rather heavy. There was a move to partner with newly-formed Wellness Alliance, to do the event on June 12, 2020, but again Covid closed down the plan.
5. Cycling Through Covid: Pearl reported that the photo contest attracted about 1,000 people to have contact with the event. For the June portion, 26 people submitted 59 photos; in July 24 people submitted 79 photos; and in August, 19 people submitted 88 photos, with prizes awarded each month.
6. Cycling Survey: Liz reported that 52 responses were made to a survey sent following Cycling Through Covid event, containing a wide variety of comments. Results of the survey will be sent to City Council and the city planning department.
7. Advocacy efforts in 2020:
a) Step replacement on city trails for the escarpment in Barrett Park had been completed without including a bike ramp. After contact from RDABC, a ramp was installed on the new steps.
b) Forming an Active Transportation Advisory Committee: Two city councillors had proposed the idea to establish an advisory committee but the idea was declined. But the proposal had raised the profile of both RDABC and the need for better infrastructure, and members of the city's Engineering Department suggested meetings with RDABC reps for 3 occasions pre- and post-budget where some specific projects could possibly be put into action.
c) After some advocacy from RDABC, the Engineering Department agreed to reduced the width of the concrete island at the bottom of Spruce Drive Hill to allow enough width for the bike lane to extend all the way across the bridge on Waskasoo Creek. As well, the department has agreed to create a design stage on changing the choke points on 39th Street intersections on the east side of the city, so that cyclists on the bike lanes would not have to veer into traffic to get through intersections.
8. Provincial scene: Greg reported that a petition from Alberta Cycling Association for changes to enforcement of the Traffic Act were made to the Legislature had been presented at an earlier sitting, but as Covid had closed opportunities for meetings, there had been little progress since. Regionally, the Central Alberta Regional Trails Society has likewise not been meeting, due to Covid restrictions and a lack of will on the part of municipal reps to hold meetings with no projects on the table to discuss, and little chance of new projects to move forward in a tight budgetary situation, even though support for trails continues to rank high among voters. Discussion followed on possible solutions to safety on city trails where they cross intersections.
9. Advocacy 2020: No news as yet on Cyclovia for the coming year. RDABC is seeking more partnerships with other groups during Community
Better Challenge in June. A coalition effort could begin with Wellness Alliance activity event for Jan. 19-March 31.
10. Canada Healthy Communities Initiatives: There are possibilities RDABC could partner on local projects that may qualify for federal grant money.
11. Projects for 2021:
a) Restarting Cyclovia/Open Streets when possible;
b) Looking at projects that would fall under the granting opportunities in the Healthy Communities Initiative.
12. President's Message: Activities of RDABC for the year have been covered in other agenda items. Bill gave added details on how the project on Spruce Drive came to be completed.
13. Elections:
a) A slate of 6 current board directors willing to continue was presented with the additions of Ken Lewis and Andy Lamb. Ken Williamson and Bill MacRae have stepped down, while John Johnson has stepped down as vice-president to become a board director. MOTION: Bill/Greg to approve the slate by acclamation. CARRIED.
b) A slate of executives was presented as follows:
President: Bill Franz
Vice-president: Liz Hagell
Secretary: Greg Neiman
Treasurer: Pearl Franz
MOTION: Bill/Neil to appoint slate by acclamation. CARRIED MOTION: That signing authority for RDABC be listed as Bill Franz, Liz Hagell and Pearl Franz. Bill/John. CARRIED.
Bill reported he will complete the annual report for the province, including the auditor's report.
14. Meeting adjourned at 8:38.
Approved Minutes of Annual General Meeting RDABC January 21, 2020
via Zoom
Called to order 6:04 p.m. Bill Franz chair
In attendance: Bill Franz, Pearl Franz, Liz Hagell, Tatiana Tilly, Greg Neiman,
John Johnston, Bill MacRae, Ken Wiliamson, Mathieu Jahnson, Cathy
Ponech, Dough Taylor, Nathan Wheeler.
1. Adoption of 2019 AGM minutes: MOTION: Tatiana/Nathan CARRIED
2. Financial Reports:
a) Year-end closing balance of $5411.84, from an opening balance of $2336.97,
out of total expenses of $16,204.34. Website domain fee of about $14 still to
b) Keith Spady and Grace Elgersma have agreed to do audit for 2020. MOTION:
To accept Keith and Grace as auditors: John/ Cathy. CARRIED
c) MOTION: To forward audited statement to corporate registry. Bill/Ken.
3. Celebration of 2019 events:
a) Note of video on RDABC website covering a year of events.
4. Discussion on Open Streets/Cyclovia
5. Cycling Without Age: no grant made available. Project needs a separate
champion to move it forward.
6. Provincial scene:
a) Report done on Alberta Cycling Coalition
b) Alberta Bicycle Association has completed a facilities design manual, but it
has not yet been released.
7. National scene:
a) Velo Bikes Canada: Bill Franz attended their summit in Quebec. Bill has since
stepped down as a director.
b) ParticipACTION: Community Better Challenge: due to our participation
RDABC received 2 grants for local events
8. Advocacy in 2019: RDABC had article printed in the Advocate; meetings
held on new staircase in Mountview, where city managers agreed to add a
bicycle ramp; RDABC's social media presence doubled during 2019.
9. Advocacy 2020: No news as yet on Cyclovia for the coming year. RDABC is
seeking more partnerships with other groups during Community Better
Challenge in June. A coalition effort could begin with Wellness Alliance
activity event for Jan. 19-March 31.
10. Strategic Plan: Best to be held after mid-April
11. Items from floor:
a) From Nathan: information on a studded tire rebate;
b) From Cathy: Idea to facilitate more group rides (i.e. Wheeler's Pints &
c) From Doug: Information on safety standards: the societal costs of traffic
collisions is twice that of crime; In areas where collisions decline, crime also
12. Elections: All board and executive members agreed to serve anther term.
MOTION: Cathy/Mathieu: That the current slate of officers be elected to
another year. CARRIED.
13. Meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m.
Approved Minutes of RDABC Annual General Meeting January 22, 2019
Dawe Library
Called to order 7:30 p.m. Bill Franz chair
In attendance: Bill Franz, Pearl Franz, Liz Hagell, Tatiana Tilly, Greg Neiman,
Keith Spady, Nathan Wheeler, Linda Cassidy, Bill Macrae, Jane Mueller,
Rod Rysavy, Ken Williamson, Kelly Patterson, Matthew Kuehne.
1. Minutes of April 2018 AGM presented. MOTION: Liza Hagell/Tatiana Tilly to
accept the minutes, with editorial amendment. CARRIED
2. Financial Report:
a) The financial report for Corporate Registry has been completed and
audited by Keith Spady and Rene Michalak. MOTION: To appoint Keith and
Rene to conduct audit for 2019. Nathan Wheeler/Tatiana Tilly. CARRIED.
b) Financial report showed a bank balance of $2,690.39 in December.
Bank balance in January was $2,598.52, and contains insurance payment
and reimbursement on web fees. MOTION: To accept report: Pearl Franz/Liz
3. Report on celebration of 2018 events: As per agenda
4. Report on Open Streets: Liz gave report on 2018 event.
5. Plans for 2019 Open Streets event under way. Primary Care Network is again
a major sponsor.
6. Cycling Without Age: Still waiting on response to grant application for Trishaw,
as well as response on road closures for Cyclovia. Expecting replies in
February or March.
7. Other events in 2019: As per agenda, plus reports on several other events in
Edmonton and Calgary
8. Provincial scene: The Alberta cycling Coalition formed and meeting with
Transport Minister Brian Mason to change regulations in Highway Traffic
Safety Act. Coalition is also asking for infrastructure grants. The Alberta
design manual for new infrastructure is expected between April and June.
9. National scene: Bill Franz was accepted as director of Velo Canada Bikes.
The third National Bike Summit is upcoming and Bill is hoping for assistance
for transportation to Ottawa. A national program coming up is Community
Better Challenge.
10. International scene: The The International Cycling Alliance has been
officially launched.
11. Items from floor: We will need names for interest in running a local Bike
Swap. Ken, Greg, Tatiana and Nathan expressed interest.
12. Elections: Nominees are as per Oct, 23 meeting and past AGM, plus
addition of Matthew Kuehne as director. MOTION: To accept Matthew
Kuehne as director: Bill Franz/Nathan Wheeler CARRIED. MOTION: To reelect
current officers: Tatiana Tilly/Liz Hagell CARRIED.
13. Meeting Adjourned.
Approved Minutes of RDABC Annual General Meeting January 24, 2018
Dawe Library Board Room
Called to order 7:30 p.m. Bill Franz chair
In attendance: Bill Franz, Pearl Franz, John Johnston, Liz Hagell, Tatiana Tilly,
Greg Neiman, Keith Spady, Nathan Wheeler, Linda Cassidy, Bill MacRae,
Chris Rickards, Jane Davis.
1. Minutes of April 2017 AGM presented. MOTION: Liza Hagell/Linda Cassidy to
accept the minutes. CARRIED
2. Status of RDABC as a non-profit society: The process has been
completed, back-dated to June 2017.
3. Status of bank account: Bill Franz reported he expects the RDABC
account to become active again within two weeks.
4. Annual Return and Audit: The return will be filled by Bill Franz at the end of
January. MOTION John Johnston/Tatiana Tilly: That Keith Spady and Liz
Hagell complete the financial audit. CARRIED Pearl Franz reported
RDABC Has $799.52 in its bank account, with $35 cash yet to deposited,
plus $243.90 from Alberta Bike Swap yet to be deposited, for a total of
$1209.67. Bills outstanding are $149 US fee for web site, plus $14.95 US
to secure our domain name.
5. Bill Franz reported on several bike-related events that RDABC had
participated in during 2017.
6. Open Streets: The Open Streets Cyclovia Red Deer will be held Aug. 12,
2018. It will be open to any non-motorized transportation group. There will
be three satellite stations around the city (Dawe Centre, Safety city,
Collicutt Centre, to direct participants downtown to the event. Total budget
for the event set at $10,000, including $8,000 fee to the city. The
organizing committee has met with George Berry, who is sponsoring the
Berry Architecture 10th Anniversary Wellness Ride for the previous day,
Aug. 11. Discussion followed regarding producing a calendar featuring
bike-accessible destinations in the city, for sale during the event.
7. June 2018 will be Active Transportation Month, which includes Bike to
Work Week.
8. Discussions with other groups, regarding a common voice for bike
advocacy. ReThink Red Deer and Team Equipe cycle club were
mentioned as possible partners.
9. Provincial scene: Alberta bicycle associations made a joint request to the
provincial government for a share of carbon levy funds to be used for
infrastructure and bike share programs.
10.National scene: Bill Franz reported he had been asked to be a board
member for Canada Bikes, but declined.
11.Other items: Grow Boys conference for boys in Grade 5 will be held at the
Dawe Centre. About 700 participants are expected. RDABC could lead a
session on basic bike maintenance on May 16. Also: Pearl Franz reported
RDABC currently has 190 Facebook Followers and 536 Twitter followers.
12. Election of Officers:
President: Bill Franz
Vice-president: John Johnston
Secretary: Greg Neiman
Treasurer: Pearl Franz
Directors: Ken Williamson, Bill Macrae, Tatiana Tilly, Liz Hagell
MOTION: Nathan Wheeler/Chris Rickards: To elect slate of nominated
officers. CARRIED
13. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Approved Minutes of RDABC Annual General Meeting May 23, 2017
Approved Minutes of the RDABC AGM April 20, 2016
Lounge at St. Leonard's
Present: Greg Neiman, Bill Franz, Bill Macrae, John Johnston, Keith Spady, Margaret Hall, Tatiana Tilly
Call to order 7pm Greg Neiman chair
Minutes of 2014 AGM as yet not officially received or voted upon. Greg will distribute those minutes for members to read and accept.
Financial Report: Due to RDABC not completing handover of signing authority, an official financial report could not be made. Keith Spady reported having monthly bank statements still come to his home, and showing a bank balance of $824.52. Greg Neiman received bank statements and will pursue completion of handover of signing authority with the acceptance of this meeting's minutes at the bank.
Motion: (Keith Spady/John Johnston) To accept financial report as presented. Carried.
Motion: (John Johnston/Keith Spady) That Pearl Franz be reimbursed for website expenses. Carried.
Election of Officers:
President: Bill Franz
Vice President: John Johnston
Secretary/Treasurer: Greg Neiman
Board Members: Pearl Franz, Ken Williamson, Tatiana Tilly, Bill Macrae
Motion: (Margaret Hall/Keith Spady) That the slate of officers nominated be elected. Carried.
Motion: (Keith Spady/Margaret Hall) That Bill Franz, Greg Neiman and John Johnston have signing authority for RDABC at the bank. Carried.
Note: Bylaws require two signatures on cheques.
Discussion and Business Items:
Annual Bike Swap will be May 13, 2016. Members encouraged to volunteer and participate, as Alberta Bike Swap supports local bike groups with a cash donation. Last year we received $500 for volunteering at the event. Greg will send a mass email to notify them of the event along with a link to contact information for volunteering.
Discussion on goals and priorities for RDABC on the coming year. Members shared on events we could help organize and partner in to promote cycling in Red Deer. Also there was a discussion on barriers to improvements in bike infrastructure from discussions held with elected officials and city staff. As well there was discussion on a letter received from Bike Calgary, asking for support in their negotiations with Alberta Transportation on a new provincial policy for urban planning and development, which will include standards for cycling infrastructure into provincial law. The meeting decided to take more time to study the letter and formulate a response.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Approved Minutes of the RDABC Annual General Meeting February 27, 2014.
Red Deer City RCMP Community Board Room.
In attendance: Greg Neiman; Fred Thomson; Grant Watson; Bill Franz; Pearl Franz; Stephen Merredew; Keith Spady
Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Motion to adopt the minutes as presented from the November 12, 2012 Annual General Meeting was made by Grant Watson; seconded by Fred Thomson; motion adopted.
Motion to approve the financial statement for the year ended August 31, 2013 made by Fred Thomson; seconded by Pearl Franz; motion adopted.
Motion made by Grant Watson to appoint himself and Stephen Merredew to audit the financial statements for the current year; seconded by Pearl Franz; motion adopted.
Election of Board of Directors: Stephen Merredew advised the meeting that John Johnston had indicated his willingness to stand for election as an officer in absentia. A motion was made by Fred Thomson; seconded by Bill Franz to accept the following slate of officers and directors:
President: Greg Neiman
Vice President: John Johnston
Secretary Treasurer: Keith Spady
Directors at Large: Grant Watson, Stephen Merredew, Pearl Franz
Motion adopted.
Topics for discussion included; the National Commuter Challenge, better provincial liaisons, the annual bike parade, consolidate and activate membership and the Alberta Bike Swap. It was felt that a priority for RDABC for 2014 is to focus on better connecting with our membership and getting more members actively involved in the society. We hope to do this through an improved website and social media, possibly including surveys or requests for feedback about how RDABC can better serve its members. Also discussed was our potential involvement in this year’s National Commuter Challenge which is scheduled for June 1, 2014 to June 7, 2014. It was agreed that we would not take an active role due to our low member involvement but would look for opportunities to support the Commuter Challenge and, if possible, use the event to promote our society and enroll new members.
Stephen Merredew discussed the commitment required to organize the RDABC Bike Parade which includes route selection, City of Red Deer permit, insurance, involving the RCMP, advertising, contacting PCN (Primary Care Network). Nobody at the meeting was prepared to commit to organizing this event at this time and it was generally agreed that our efforts this year should focus on getting more members “on-board” so that we have a solid base of volunteers to work on such events in the future.
Discussion on promoting RDABC and what mechanism would best communicate information to all cyclists. Grant Watson offered to research the cost of obtaining reflective slap bands to be distributed to cyclists in an effort to promote RDABC. The slap bands may contain the RDABC logo, mission statement & web site, with the idea being that they could be quickly and easily handed to cyclists at red lights, etc. or quickly and harmlessly attached to locked bikes.
Grant Watson moved and Fred Thompson seconded a motion to amend the mission statement to read: “To Promote the Safety and Accessibility of Bicycle Commuting In Red Deer and Surrounding Areas”. Motion adopted.
Pearl Franz and Keith Spady will research information on RDABC developing a Web Site. Grant Watson offered to provide funding for the initial start-up of a web page.
The Alberta Bike Swap and involvement of RDABC was discussed. At this time it was felt that RDABC would not be involved in a 2014 Red Deer Alberta Bike Swap and may possibly consider organizing a bike swap independent of Alberta Bike Swap.
Greg Neiman offered to contact the Primary Care Network and Servus Credit Union to apply for funding for various initiates.
A board meeting will be scheduled in the next 4 - 6 weeks. Greg Neiman will advise of the March or April date.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m
Keith Spady
Secretary / Treasurer
Red Deer Association For Bicycle Commuting